Hi! I’m Kerstin Phillips (she/her)

Life Coach & Yoga Instructor
Founder & CEO of Love and Live Wellness

When I was a kid I was teased for being different. My nine-year-old self learned that if I didn't ask “stupid” questions then my friends wouldn't ridicule or make fun of me.

I learned to stay hidden and blend in to feel safe. 

I held onto this feeling of safety, by not asking questions and putting everyone else’s needs above my own. I felt lost and frustrated with my life and I didn’t understand why. 

I’d completed all my lifelong dreams and had all the things I should have.

College degree, marriage, motherhood, good job with benefits, living in Berkeley, CA…

So why did I feel so lost and miserable? 

Because I didn’t know who I was. 

My whole life was built around other people and their needs. I’d lost sight of my own.

I fell into the money pit of self help. I bought so many books and self-guided programs that I couldn’t finish them all. It was like going from shiny thing to shiny thing and bleeding money in the process. It didn’t feel like anything I was doing made a difference. 

Then I decided to do something bigger for myself.

I signed up for yoga teacher training.

That training opened my eyes and showed me the world from a new perspective. I learned that not everyone lives in doubt and fear all the time and that there are soooo many tools to help with anxiety, overwhelm, and confusion that I didn't know existed! 

I wanted to know more.

At the start of the pandemic I enrolled in a Life Coach training program led by one of my mentors and dear friends.

I discovered I’ve been a coach all my life. 

I naturally create safe spaces everywhere I go and ask questions to help you better understand yourself.

When you work with me I guide you to your unique path, so you can feel confident and define your purpose.
I guide women and non-binary folx that know exactly what they don’t want, find what they DO want. .

If my story resonates with you, then I’m likely a good fit to guide you on your path.

Book a consultation to take that first step (I bet that sounds scary and I pinky promise to hold your hand the whole way!)

The thing is I don’t know if my words resonate with you or if you want to work with me. As much as I want to, I can’t fully read your mind.

That means you gotta take this scary feeling step to tell me that you want a guide by booking a consultation.

The clients that get the best results from me… 

  • Have a ton of ideas, but the simplest tasks (like changing the battery in the smoke detector) feel monumental. 

  • Want to make decisions easily, but when they do make a decision they second guess it to a level of agony.

  • Love being creative, though finding the time can feel challenging

  • Love learning, especially with reading and podcasts

  • Crave someone to guide them out of the confusion, fear, and anxiety, so they can put their brilliant ideas into action. 

And those that don’t, are typically people who….

  • Know exactly what they want in every situation

  • Love hustle culture

Now if you are someone that I can help, Book a Consultation below.

If you’ve gotten this far, my words resonate with you, and booking a consultation feels too dang scary, then grab my Thoughtful Journaling™ Guide, it’s totally free and was made just for you. Get it Here.